Master Data Management MDM Solutions

    Manage business operations with confidence on data that is governed and compliant

    Master data management is the heart of the data ecosystem.

    A vision toward clean and reliable data management services

    Establish state of the art master data management (MDM) solutions with reliability of operational data for business and compliance to
    efficiently manage commercial operations and adhere to global mandate.

    MDM Solutions vision

    Bringing a single authoritative view of business-critical data

    MDM Solution Enabled by a unique blend of people, domain knowledge, process, and technology

    Strategy and consulting

    Strategy and consulting

    • MDM tool and roadmap assessment
    • Data strategy and governance practices
    • Process consulting
      • DCR process
      • New source onboarding
      • Data enrichment, integration, and synchronization

    MDM implementation

    MDM implementation

    • New MDM deployments
    • Migration from custom processes or legacy MDM to cloud-based state-of-the-art application
    • Data stewardship
    • Upgradation and consolidation of existing applications

    Entity domains

    Entity domains

    • Customer (HCO, HCP, and Affiliations)
    • Individuals (patients and consumers)
    • Payer/plan
    • Product, Bill of Material (BOM), and equipment
    • Vendor/supplier/distributors
    • Clinical investigators/sites

    MDM operations

    MDM operations

    • Ongoing support
    • Vendor management
    • DCR and Merge Queue resolution
    • Stewardship services
    • Operationalize data governance

    Key benefits

    Reliable operational data, on-demand

    Multidomain, affiliations, and hierarchy management

    Fast, CoE-driven solution deployment

    Managed services – IT and infrastructure

    Fast onboarding of structured and unstructured data sources leveraging ‘common format’

    Automated and rule-based data stewardship

    SalesIQ-differentiators-graphicBG (1)

    Axtria research hub

    Industry Primer

    Data Management: What It Is and Why It’s Important


    Is Your Life Sciences Commercial Data Ecosystem Up to Par?

    Industry Primer

    Data Governance

    Customer success stories

    Case Study

    Rebuilding The Customer Master Data System To Enhance Business Process And Realize Maximum Benefits

    Case Study

    Unlocking 33% Performance Gains With Commercial Data Management For Top Pharma

    Case Study

    Real-Time User Data Stream Processing And Validation For US Based Auto Assistance Company