Channel Design & Management

A hyper-targeted channel design mix for a high-engagement customer experience
Orchestrate the right blend of personal and non-personal channel design for a rewarding messaging strategy
Channel design & management
The rules of all round customer engagement are forever changing in the life sciences industry. The only constant is the need to tap changing customer preferences and design a data-driven marketing strategy. With the advent of digital channels, companies are adding new virtual channels to their traditional channel design mixes. They are emphasizing a blend of non-personal and virtual interactions and desire to move beyond a multichannel marketing strategy.
This means that the next step from a multichannel promotional strategy is omnichannel customer engagement – a singular omnipresence for each customer. Marketing leaders can leap towards omnichannel marketing by orchestrating a tightly knit responsive and adaptive network of behavior-based designed channels. Axtria’s AI-driven channel design and management analytics solutions harness omnichannel customer and promotions data for unified and actionable intelligence on channel tracking KPIs.
Benefits delivered

ROI-driven promo channel analysis and recommendation for a $700 Mn+ global brand

Channel-wise promo evaluation and budget optimization models for a blockbuster oncology drug

Identified pointed actions for improved brand performance with omnichannel promotions’ impact measurement
Measure, prioritize, and allocate marketing budgets across impactful channels

Personal Channels
Rep Detailing, Pharmacy Programs, Samples Distribution, Teleconference, Emails

Digital Channels
Websites, Social Communities, Banner Ads, Mobile Aps, Smart Card

Speaker Programs, Continuing Education, Symposiums, Webinars & Podcasts

Mass Media
Journals, TV Networks, Local Advertising

Coupons, Vouchers, Starter Kits, Rebates,Adherence Programs, Health Kiosks

DTC, Public Relations
Axtria research hub

Pathways In Marketing Mix Modeling To Accurately Measure The Impact Of Multichannel Interactions On Sales
Customer success stories

Case Study
Improved Targeting and Marketing Through Axtria's Cloud-Based Field Application For Account Management

Case Study